The garden is a delight 365 1/4 days a year!


Among the birds we see here are:


Dark-eyed Junco                                      Downy Woodpecker  

Goldfinch                                                  Song Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow                         Northern Mockingbird

Cardinals                                                  White-breasted Nuthatch

Carolina Wren                                          Eastern Bluebird

Mourning Dove                                         White-throated Sparrow

Carolina Chickadee                                  House Finch

Blue Jay                                                      Hawks and Eagles.

Tufted Titmouse 


Red-bellied Woodpecker  


Many birds switch to berries in the winter.  Native plants offer a lot more value.

Here are some that birds love:


  •  Viburnums:  Arrowwood, nannyberry, withered, blackhaw
  •  Elderberry
  •  Spicebush
  •  Chokeberry
  •  Winterberry 
  •  Hawthorns
  •  Red Cedar
  •  Alternate-leaved dogwood
  •  Ninebark

 Have you heard about the devestation of neonicotinoids?

"One seed coated with neonicotinoid pesticides is enough to kill a songbird like Blue Grossbeak.  Avoiding these and other pesticides in your home and garden can make a difference."

"d riaaon which the Summeer blushing farewell, at my feet we

—Albert Laighton, “In the Woods”d myriad leaves, on wmer wrotr blushing fa, at my feet were strown."

—Albert Laighton, “In hich hing farewell, at my feet were strown."

—Albert Laighton, “In the Woods”

Pathways to beauty.

Each season is a treasure.

 Moon, my gardening     assistant.  

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